Sunday, May 18, 2014

ISOAR Launch - May 2014

Finally!  After seven months off I got to fly again.  This was also my first time flying back in Iowa since high school.  I flew two of my original mid-power rockets from the 1990's and also California Dreamin'.  That bird has flown 10 times now and still going strong.

I tried something a little different this time.  I attached a two-foot piece of rigid brake line to the payload section of my PML Phobos that extended beyond the nose cone.  At the end of the line I attached a keychain camera looking down onto the rocket.  I wasn't sure how straight the rocket would fly or if the camera would stay attached, but everything held together.  The flight wasn't as squirrely as I thought it'd be and it made for a unique perspective.  Check out the video.

The launch was held at the Indianola Balloon Grounds.  This is a great place to launch mid-power rockets.  I was able to launch and recover all three in less than 90 minutes!  Looking forward to next month.

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