Not much rocketry related going on since my last post. I've been busy moving half-way across the country from California to Iowa. I made it back just in time to attend the last launch of the season with the
Iowa Society of Amateur Rocketeers (ISOAR) - or so I thought. Mother nature had other plans and the launch was scrubbed due to thunderstorms and winds exceeding 30 mph. Guess I'll have to wait until the spring. ISOAR holds monthly launches April through November at the Indianola balloon grounds. This will be my new Tripoli Prefect. Looking further out, there are several clubs within 3-4 hours including
Tripoli Southern Minnesota (TSM),
Quad Cities Rocket Society (QCRS), and
The Heartland Organization of Rocketry (THOR). With so many great clubs in the region I'll be happy here!
I will miss Southern California. I leave behind some great rocketeers who helped me get back into High Power Rocketry. Without the assistance and encouragement from members of
Tripoli San Diego, I wouldn't have certified Tripoli Levels 1-3 in 17 months. During my time with the club I had 13 launches totaling 12,927 N-sec burned.
As far as the off-season goes, my first project will be building a workshop in my garage. Once I have a good place to work, I'll be making a few small rocket repairs to my Angry Birds and California Screamin' rockets and I'll be taking another look at the LOC Bruiser and determine if she can fly again. I'll also be working on my first 54mm minimum diameter rocket! It's time to do something other than low and slow. Looking forward to finally breaking the sound barrier and 10,000 ft.
I'll leave you with a picture of my new garage. You can see parts of California Screamin', the LOC Bruiser, Angry Birds, and a few mid-power rockets.
New rocket workshop - lots of potential here. |
Better get back to unpacking boxes!